Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc. has brought together a team for the development of the Southwest Quadrant of the Ormond Beach Airport that is highly experienced in every aspect of civilian and military aviation management and operations, real estate development, land use planning, financial and business analysis, investment banking, and transactional matters because a project of this magnitude requires much more to it than just the developer or solely the name of its initial corporate entity.
In fact, during a October 7, 2011 City of Ormond Beach meeting, its Airport Manager said: "Arnie B. Green Associates had shown they were highly qualified based on his military experience and leadership roles in military-related organizations" and " would not be just Arnie B. Green Associates working on this project."
Arnie B. Green heads up the Florida-based management team with members having signifcant planning and development, financing, and legal experience and expertise. Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc. has four development groups within its management team: (1) the Planning, Design, Layout, Project and Construction Management Group; (2) the Financial Advisory Group; (3) the Legal Special Purpose Entity Group; and (4) the Legal Land and Aviation Development Group.
The management team is extremely qualified with diverse management experience within entrepreneurial corporate and military environments running ground operations. The team has the experience necessary to complete the project of the scale and magnitude proposed because it has proven capabilities in executive leadership supporting flight operations, team building, strategic planning, aviation planning, engineering, architecture, operations, sales and marketing, contract oversight, technology development, and creating cultures of accountability and execution.
The company collectively chose a team approach and we agree with the City of Ormond Beach's Airport Manager. The team has demonstrated to the City that it has exceptional experience and managerial skills required to execute the entire project.
$70 Million in New Investment
$382 Million 20-Year Impact to Ormond Beach
1800 20-Year Total New Job Effect to Region
$2.0 Million New State & Local Taxes Upon Completion of First Year of Operations
Robust Operations Facility - Not Just Aircraft Storage Hangars
800 Years Total Airport
Development, Engineering & Aviation Team Experience
100+ Years Total Military Command, Control, Operational, Flight & Ground Experience
Robust Aircraft Noise Abatement Program
Protects City from Financial Risk and Liability
No Ormond Beach Funds Required for Financing of Development