Ormond Beach Municipal Airport
Southwest Quadrant of the Ormond Beach Municipal Airport
The Southwest Quadrant of the Ormond Beach Municipal Airport is currently a "Greenfield". The site is not shovel ready. It has no infrastructure required for horizontal or vertical development. And today produces no revenue and income to the City.
If the City Staff has a vision that the ideal use of the property is an aircraft manufacturing or similiar activity that would create a large number of local jobs, the ability to attract and have such an activity relocate, or start-up on the "Greenfield" property on the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport, is extraordinarily minuscule based on the infrastructure that currently exists on the Southwest Quadrant.
To date, the City of Ormond Beach is not "contemplating" and has not taken any of the associated risks required to develop the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport itself, so it looked to the private sector to take on the City's risk for them.
Any development of the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport creates enormous challenges and risks for Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc. because of the multiple planning, stakeholder, and financial variables that exist.
The City hasn't offered any specific plan of guaranteed economic development incentives to the private sector to offset any of the developer's risk for aviation development of the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport. Such economic incentives would give the City a competitive advantage over another airport in the region when the City of Ormond Beach decides to negotiate in good faith for the development of the Southwest Quadrant with the Company.
Aspects of economic development assistance could include environmental studies and testing, utilities, civil site work and soil stabilization, airfield access, roadways, and public access areas, developmental planning, tax and impact abatements, site designation as a "Brownfield", maintenance upkeep of common areas and land mitigation of wetlands on the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport.
Ormond Crossings is a 3000 acre planned development which is located along the east and west side of I-95 and south of U.S. Route 1 within Volusia County. The Ormond Crossings project site is adjacent to the Ormond Beach Municipal Airport.
Construction of an extension of Pine Land Trails road to the Airport (not required by the development plan for the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport), a critical infrastructure improvement previously master planned by the City of Ormond Beach, could ultimately tie in Ormond Crossings to the Ormond Beach Municipal Airport.
Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc.'s proposed project on the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport will provide the necessary airport infrastructure and facilities that can help "jump start" any future commercial and industrial development at Ormond Crossings.
Our first class, full service facilities, air and ground operations, maintenance and aircraft storage facilities on the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport will give the City of Ormond Beach a major boost in accesibility and services that any organization or company considering relocating to Ormond Crossings would desire and probably demand.
The construction of this complex will add tremendous capability to the Airport, which will improve the economic model for the community including Ormond Crossings.
Ormond Beach's current transportation infrastructure includes I-95, U.S. Route 1 and the railroad. What we don't have is an Ormond Beach Municipal Airport and facilities for the 21st Century.
Our project is the final missing link in the City's transportation infrastructure complex. Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc. proposed project for development of the Southwest Quadrant of the Airport moves the City of Ormond Beach into the 21st century.
On November 25, 2012, the Daytona Beach News Journal said: "the biggest problem facing the City is a $40 million unfunded liability in the City's pension plans...The City's contribution to three pension plans is consuming more than half of property tax revenues."
In a perfect world, the City of Ormond Beach would prefer to develop the Airport itself, but it can't because it can't afford to. And even if it did have the funds to do so, the City Staff neither has the experience, nor professional background required to master develop a major economic aviation development project on the Airport.
Unfortunately, the City of Ormond Beach, as a public entity, can't develop the Airport on its own and has demonstrated that it is unwilling to do it themselves. Only a private endeavor, such as Arnie B. Green Associates, Inc., it's development team and private investors can do that for the optimum benefit of the community.
$70 Million in New Investment
$382 Million 20-Year Impact to Ormond Beach
1800 20-Year Total New Job Effect to Region
$2.0 Million New State & Local Taxes Upon Completion of First Year of Operations
Robust Operations Facility - Not Just Aircraft Storage Hangars
800 Years Total Airport
Development, Engineering & Aviation Team Experience
100+ Years Total Military Command, Control, Operational, Flight & Ground Experience
Robust Aircraft Noise Abatement Program
Protects City from Financial Risk and Liability
No Ormond Beach Funds Required for Financing of Development