Arnie B. Green, (Lt. Col. Retired, United States Air Force and Air Force Reserves) has 27 years of experience in aviation and management.  He graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical Science and a concentration in Aviation Management.  He received his Masters in General Business Administration from Central Michigan University with a concentration in marketing and labor relations.  He also is a graduate of the United States Air Force Air Command and Staff College.

Arnie B. Green has extensive experience in project management, finance, marketing, business development and management, as well as commercial, residential, and marine construction and consulting.  He is a qualified and current Florida State Certified General Contractor.  This gives him the knowledge and knowhow to develop and manage the Fixed Based Operation facility.  Moreover, his leadership skills cannot be questioned in light of his military background, his 28 years of experience in leadership positions with a volunteer fire department in Southeastern Pennsylvania, and his exeperience as the Chief Executive and Operating Officer of a computer software company.  As Chief Operating Officer, Arnie B. Green oversaw the strategic development and management of software development projects, marketing programs, and budgets.
In addition to all of this, Arnie B. Green is throughly familiar with the aviation world.  He has over 14,000 flying hours in general, military, and commercial airline transport aircraft.  Moreover, he is an FAA certified Airline Transport Pilot with experience in aircraft Part 91, 121, 135 and 141 flight and ground operations and also flies for US Airways.
$70 Million in New Investment

$382 Million 20-Year Impact to Ormond Beach

1800 20-Year Total New Job Effect to Region

$2.0 Million New State & Local Taxes Upon Completion of First Year of Operations

Robust Operations Facility - Not Just Aircraft Storage Hangars

800 Years Total Airport
Development, Engineering & Aviation Team Experience

100+ Years Total Military Command, Control, Operational, Flight & Ground Experience

Robust Aircraft Noise Abatement Program

Protects City from Financial Risk and Liability

No Ormond Beach Funds Required for Financing of Development